I'm convinced sunny days has positive effects on DS. All of the sudden, it's like he's woken up from his long winter slumber, and is now all energised, ready for an exciting summer.
The sunny days also seems to make him want to do more things. So far, he has express his wish to rediscover old interests like wall climbing and dry slope skiing. He's also pushing for some go karting sessions. Driving seems to feature strongly in his mind lately.
He's keen on seeking out other children to play with too.
He's been playing on the keyboard, practising new songs.
We've started his own egg run, selling free range eggs to the neighbours. This venture is coming along nicely, netting Geckco Jnr an average of £3.00 profit every weekend.
Best of all, he's outside enjoying the sun. Everyday, he can be found playing on our driveway. Yesterday, he was really cute. He laid on our rug, on the driveway, sun tanning LOL!!
Then he decide it'll be fun to watch the world go by, so he got his little wooden chair, a mini can of coke and a Panama hat on his head, plonk himself on the pathway and watched the world go by.
Today, we spent the afternoon at our friend's garden. It felt so good, laying on the grass, looking up at the clear blue sky. There was a few hoveflies hovering over us, which trigger off discussions amongst the adults and kids about what do hoverflies eat, hummingbirds, snails, lobsters and nits lol!
Yes, April has been a satisfyingly busy month.
Opt-in versus opt-out
1 year ago