Cooking Club for all ages
I'm really excited because I've found a new friend to share the excitement of forming my little cooking club. We're starting a Home schooling cooking sessions. My idea is to teach something exciting and substancial rather than the usual cookies or chocolate rice crispies. I'm thinking recipes from all cultures. And all recip[es has to be child-friendly in terms of preparing and eating it. It will be great if we can get mothers to each volunteer to teach their favourite recipes.
Project Yateley Common
Another idea of mine has taken off with great success. Yesterday 5 families turn up for our first session presenting A Day in the Life of the Ranger. During the 1 hour walk thru the protected heathland, we very quickly see the potential of working with the ranger for the children's educational benefit. Without due, we've confirmed a one a month arrangement with the ranger, covering subjects ranging from science, maths to history and anything really. Next topic is to be Den Building, highlighting ancient way of life as hunter and gatherers, highlighting also the "mutual beneficial relationship" between the heathland as an important souce for wood, food and shelter and the ancient peoples' role in helping to maintain the heathland.
Opt-in versus opt-out
1 year ago