I feeling like I'm being too complacent and that we're not really learning! So here goes... this is what we've been doing so far....
* Earth and it's core
* Earthquake and fault lines
* Re-producation in living things
* Clasification of plants - mosses, ferns, flowering and non-flowering plants
* Why leaves are green?
* Light and re-fraction
* Light discussions about atom and molecules in water and solid.
* Greg's seeing the relation between numbers and addition like 8+2 = 10 = 4 +4 +2
* We're still counting pocket money and spending it
* We're counting jellybeans and cogs in Toon Town
* Fraction(Den building event Greg's decided to cut the fungus he found into quarters)
* Still working on time telling
* We've drop our intial interest on ancient civilization. We went from hunters and gatherers to as far as Ancient Eygpt and it kinda stop there.
* Mayan/ Chewing gum tree
* Countries on the equator line is hot.
* Different time line
Spelling is another lovely surprise as Greg's learning to spell more on his own.
Language - Malay coming along really well.
Ski Lessons
Finished Varjak Paw, starting Farthing Wood. Still trying to finish the Myth and Legends book. Perhaps might try to finish the Religion of the World book too.
Tonight I've got the chance to compare my son with his little female "school going" friend. This girl is in Year 2 and we're playing Yatzee. I do not know if the level of Maths she displaying is the level they are teaching in school but she's still having difficulty seeing the relation between numnbers and adition. She was having difficulty addding up simple sums like 5+5+5. And here I am worrying about my son's Maths??!! Me and Jnr are already doing additions on double digits!
Opt-in versus opt-out
1 year ago