I've came to accept that Gecko Jnr with his ASD is just not capable to handle any sort of learning that's to do with writing and workbook. It's just too much stressful for him to concentrate on such boring and un-enticing 1D environment of a piece of flat paper with rigid printings all over it. He needs 3D images that can presents cause and effect results, and not forgetting all those lovely sound effects too!
Hence we're going full scale multimedia learning by installing the ClueFinder Adventures Yr 3, 4 and 5. Gecko Jnr is quite happy switching between these 3 grades, searching for something interesting to do. Sometimes he'll get hooked for an hour or so for it can be quite brain-intensive work all these mental maths, but yet there are times after all those searching, he walks away from it, accomplishing nothing. Sometimes he picks something that's just too difficult for him, and get frustrated and angry, working thru it. The graphics is not funny and entertaining enough to sustain son, but the mental challenges seems to be enticing enough for him to continue. We'll just have to wait and see if Gecko Jnr will stick with this program.
This is something we've just discovered. Just because Gecko Jnr is very much a computer games person, this doesn't mean he is interested in just about any type of computer games. After much buying and installing of pc games over the years, we've realised that son's actually drawn to and stayed with pc programs that have cute and funny characters, like Jumpstart Program. We've used this program before during pre-school age which worked brilliantly for Gecko Jnr.
Hence we've also installed the Jumpstart Math Advance for Grade 3, which he stayed on for 1 1/2 hours yesterday.
We're also checking out the Dorling Kingsley's History explorer CD, with it's timeline from 5 locations and era from Eygpt, Inca Empire, Imperial China, Medieval Europe, right trhu to the 1920s Age of Industrial. With lots of colourful graphics and effects and enough funny "graphic reactions " to keep Gecko Jnr going.
Anyhow, it just seems inevitable our collection of workboks is destined for ebay.
As always, I still love reading, and son still love being read to, so we're still working thru many interesting books before bedtime.
Topic we're covering - The Illiad, God of War(History); Pollinators/ Seed Carriers/ Tree's re-production system/ Sharks (Natural Science); ClueFinders Addition, Subtration and Multiplications (Maths).
Opt-in versus opt-out
1 year ago