The GTA game didn't work so Papa Gecko and son had to go back to town today to exchange it for another. But what surprised me was Gecko Jnr was quite happy and content to continue waiting for the chance to play on this long awaited game. He didn't even get upset when the cd wouldn't load up! He very nonchanlantly moved onto his other 2 new games, Barnyard and DragonBall (we bought him these "buy 2 get 3rd free pre-owned promotion"). So today, son ventured out to town with Papa Gecko, for an exchange. And when they got home, Papa fixed lunch before joining son on sofa for a game of GTA. Needless to say, with all those scurrying through and fro between the tv room and the computer room for online cheat codes, very soon 1 hour is up and son had a meltdown! When informed of the hours being up, son abruptly switch off PS2 and scuttled off upstairs, claiming he wants to do some "thinking". Muffled crying sounds can be heard soon after. Five minutes later, Gecko Jnr demands Mama Gecko, for a consult! Post games discussion was held, with acknowlegement that 1 hour is too short to accomodate all those walking between tv room and computer room (we live in an end terrace!) to surf for online cheat codes, and not enough time for playing. So, new time management is introduced, and agreed upon. Because Gecko Jnr is allocated 1 hour per day x 7 days = 7 hours, he's allowed full authority in allocating number of hours per day. Of which, he then proceed downstairs to write his new timetable for GTA as such.
Sun - 2 hours
Mon - 2 hours
Tues - 0
Wed - 0
Thurs- 1 hour
Fri - 1 hour
Sat - 1 hour
And because he's decide to stop playing 10 minute short of an hour today, Gecko Jnr concluded this gives him 2 hours and 10 minutes tomorrow (Monday)
I'm thinking, perhaps good lessons can be derive from this socially incorrect game. Just 2 days ago, we did a mathematical division exercise, trying to work out how long a 7 years old should play on GTA, considering that an 18 years old would probably only play an average of 4 hours, after school till dinner time. As for bad language, we all have fun making up alternative swear words for him to use, like instead of A**H***, we using Diaper Face and Bum Wipe! Instead of "What the heck", we're saying "What the donkey"! This is how I see it. Gecko Jnr only need some words to express his frustration when playing the game, and he doesn't really care what words he's using anyway, so substituition was easy. And lets all admit it, we adults swear too in times of frustrations! It's just life, sn't it?
Opt-in versus opt-out
1 year ago